
“It was just kind of a joke response,” said Tabata. “That said, we aren’t dismissing the hardware in any way. We believe it’s a great platform, and we’re open to looking for opportunities. And if the opportunity presents itself, and there’s something we can do on that given platform, we’d like to do it.”


田畑D一直澄清自己的立場中立沒有主機情結,包括多次強調自己很喜愛Switch,也解釋說Switch無法將Luminous Engine發揮的盡善盡美也絕對不是批評Switch,也一直說在探索著能為Switch開發什麼,不會以任何形式拒絕Switch

總之很怕被任任貼上GK標籤的樣子 不過FF15早就被玩不到眼紅的任任黑的很徹底了 不用討好沒品味的任任了吧