Entries from 2017-09-12 to 1 day


“It was just kind of a joke response,” said Tabata. “That said, we aren’t dismissing the hardware in any way. We believe it’s a great platform, and we’re open to looking for opportunities. And if the opportunity presents itself, and there’…


理由是為了施壓中國管好北韓 據說中國暗助北韓,所以北韓才有飛彈跟核武技術在四處搗蛋,有了核武幾乎形同狹持鄰國當做人質 因為中國暗助北韓 所以美國就擺明挺台日韓的意思? 中國北韓其實挺像的 相對來說支那比較文明? 其實跟畜生比只是衣冠禽獸而已 支那根…